A leader values and engages others.

A leader takes the time to know people beyond job titles and responsibilities. They understand their strengths and weaknesses. They recognize what motivates their people. They say thank you!

A leader understands that in order for the team to perform most effectively, everyone must connect and engage. There are lots of things a leader should do, so we’ve compiled our Top 10 list of ways you can connect and mobilize your team.

  1. Highlight need – explain why things can’t go on as they are.
  2. Make them know they matter – show how they can help.
  3. Include everyone in crafting vision – engage people if you expect them to be engaged.
  4. Create channels for service – build organizational structure.
  5. Call people to rise up – great work isn’t convenient. Disrupt established patterns.
  6. Honor effort – express gratitude along the way.
  7. Rotate tasks and offer training.
  8. Track results – tell everyone what’s getting done.
  9. Celebrate success – dance because you’re making a difference.
  10. Identify and leverage forward looking leaders.