On Sunday, March 10, we’ll once again spring our clocks ahead one hour, reminding us of the precious value of time and how we can maximize every minute. Time management is a skill. Like any other skill, we need to practice it in order to reach our full potential. Let’s practice these four skills this month and keep our time management skills sharp!

  • Make Lists: Write as much down as you can. If you don’t carry a planner or notebook already, start. It doesn’t have to be fancy; a simple, white-lined notebook will do the trick. Put it on paper and free up valuable space in your brain for other ideas and thoughts.
  • Make Use of Down Time: Using walking, driving, showering, or otherwise “dead” times to plan. Think about what your goals are for that day or the next. Which goals are most important? Prioritization is the key.
  • Concentrate on One Thing: The human mind works more efficiently when it is focused. As we’ve seen before multitasking is actually a disadvantage to productivity. Focus on one thing and get it done. Take care not to bleed tasks into each other. At times, multitasking may seem like a more efficient route, but it is probably not.
  • Avoid Procrastination at All Costs: When trying to be more productive and trying to save time, procrastination should be avoided like nothing else. It is the ultimate productivity-killer.

With practice, your time management skills can help you take control of your planner and daily schedule. We’re still looking for the magic “pause” button that would allow us to fully catch up on all our responsibilities. We’ll let you know if we find it. Until then, we hope you join us as we recommit to practicing good time management skills.